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Andrea Schiavone (c. 1510/15–1563)

• Was an Italian Renaissance painter and etcher.
• Born in the Venetian-ruled city of Zara in Dalmatia, now Zadar in Croatia,
• His family was originally from the small town of Meldola, close to the city of Forlì in Romagna. 
• He trained either in Zara or in Venice.
• There are unproven claims that he trained with Bonifazio de Pitati.
• He worked in fresco, panel painting, and etching (teaching himself to etch by working initially from drawings by Parmigianino).
• By 1540, he was well enough established in Venice that Giorgio Vasari commissioned him a large battle picture (which the Florentine author mentions in his Lives).
• By the 1550s, he had achieved a new synthesis of Raphael and Titian's compositional elements with his own interest in atmosphere, effecting a "fusion of form with a dense atmosphere in a pictorial fabric whose elements tend to lose their separate indenties".
• Andrea Schiavone died in Venice in 1553.